Nooooo! Yes, Yes, Yes!!!

Tension, distress, anxiety... and relief, excitement, passion... what's happening?!

This three month Sabbatical has been amazing. It's probably the most relaxing and refreshing period I've ever experienced. However, as mentioned a couple of blogs ago this was always going to be temporarily blown apart by the dreaded World Cup.

England v Tunisia was a tough watch but it had nothing on our recent encounter... England v Colombia. I was determined to remain calm and enjoy this occasion.  For a while I was just about in control, I actually laid out on the sofa rather than sitting on the edge of it. All seemed good. We controlled the game, they were rattled and then it happened...GOAL! 1-0 to my boys! Here's the bizarre bit. We're winning and yet now I started to feel that sense of anxiety... will they equalise? One minute to go and they did! NOOOOO!

Despair, anger, pain...why do I get like this? It's just a game! What's wrong with me?! Worse was to follow... Into 'Extra Time' and Colombia are getting on top...NOOOOO! Phew we survive but now the dreaded penalties which we always lose. By now I'm considering going outside until its all over but something continues to glue me to the TV. 

We miss and they are ahead.... NOOOOO! Suddenly they miss and it's all square... then our keeper we just have to score our next penalty and we've won.... YES, YES, YES! From deep despair to total ecstasy, the release of energy was amazing (As Eric Dier smashes in the winner).

Sorry for those who had to endure the video Ruth secretly filmed at the point we won the game. I just couldn't help myself and it felt marvellous!
The day after the football Ruth provided me with the perfect antidote...two to three hours sitting on a ferry in the mist! We visited the Scilly Isles which seemed very appropriate given my silly antics the evening before. On arrival we whizzed round trying to fit in as much as we could before the ferry returned. It was a bit of a dash but there is no denying the beauty and peace of this place.

Ruth was pleased to initially take us to Pulpit Rock to find the 12th oldest Geocache in England... she seemed very proud of this and to be fair it was a spectacular place to witness yet another part of God's amazing creation. Rather appropriately the day after our visit I read these words... What a glorious world God has fashioned with His hands for our enjoyment—and for His glory! “Praise the Lord, my soul!”

So... with a reminder of what's really important let's go back to our planned coastal path walk... It's complete! So what do we do next? Let's start walking another stretch!  

Having completed our intended route from Godrevy to Predannack we moved on to walk the Lizard Peninsular including mainland UK's most southerly point! Our latest journey also included Kynance Cove where one of our friends wants to have her ashes scattered... now I understand why! The Lizard and surrounding area is absolutely stunning. Kynance Cove was one of the most beautiful places I visited. If you get the chance go there.

On the north coast we've also pushed further on journeying up as far as Portreath. It was a fabulous walk and took in a small, beautiful and spectacular cove called Ralph's Cupboard. As we gazed upon this brilliance of creation we took a moment to remember our good friend Ralph Kay who died shortly before we came away. We miss him and stopped to say a prayer for his wife Doris and their family as well as giving thanks for Ralph and the life he lived.


Meanwhile our swimming continues. Enjoying a daily dip has now developed into quite a routine! It remains a challenge getting in but then it's bliss! I love swimming in the sea!

And so to the World Cup Quarter--Finals... England v Sweden. What was I worried about!? I actually sat rather comfortably for most of the game. Naturally I rose and shouted out as we scored each goal and was a little agitated when our Goalie was called to show off his brilliance! We celebrated with an evening swim in the sea.... lovely! Now the semi-final awaits, who'd have thought it? COME ON ENGLAND!!!

I read this in my Bible notes the day after the England game.  As we embrace our diversity, may we also make every effort to keep our unity in faith and purpose. Yes, we have different abilities and backgrounds. We speak different languages and come from different countries. But we have the same wonderful God, the Creator who delights in so much variety.

The World Cup offers an interesting analogy. It's important each team has unity. Each team also contains different footballing abilities and backgrounds within it. And across the whole tournament there are many different languages and countries proclaiming football. In the same way each church is made up of a variety of people all with different God given spiritual gifts called to serve in unity together to build up Christ's body, the church and spread the good news of salvation. 

After another good Sunday service we concluded the week with a beautiful walk from Kynance Cove to Predannack. Beautiful, sunny, warm with a cool coastal breeze... see the photo above... this is the life!     

So another week passes on this precious time away. Naturally our thoughts are beginning to focus on our return to home, family, friends, work etc. and getting stuck in again. I’ll be honest, I’d love to stay here but I know that’s unlikely certainly in the foreseeable future. Whatever happens it’s important I recognise what an amazing gift this time has been. Indeed everything I do, be it here, at home or wherever I am, every breath I take is a gift from God. Whether I’m having a good time, a bad time or something in between I need to remain fully reliant on God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Yes, I'll continue to mess things up, I'm a flawed human like everyone else... that's another reason to  seek to live out life in His strength, keep praying and follow and apply His Word. In short… love and serve Him whatever the circumstances. This flew across the beach yesterday...can you read what it says?! Thank you Lord for another amazing week. 


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